About this EveNT
Member's Event Information
Sunday, 15th September, Kings Hill Community Centre, 70 Gibson Drive, ME19 4LG, 1pm
Please arrive for 12:45pm, ready to sing, for our 1pm performance (exact time has now been confirmed). We'll be singing the Summer term's songs and, although we've taken them down from the website so as not to confuse new members, I've popped them all in a dropbox link below for you to have a practice - Eleanor won't be running through them this week so have a listen to remind yourselves if you can!
Parking will be available but it will be busy so please try and car pool if you can! As usual, Summer Term dress code - black, white, purple casual wear, Soul Choir t shirts and hoodies encouraged if you have them.
Public Event Information
Enjoy this Community event with live music, food vans, carnival games and more!
Kings Hill Community Centre, 70 Gibson Drive, ME19 4LG, 1pm performance time