Monthly Membership
Our most popular option with members!
About the
Monthly (Annual)
This is our most popular plan. Spread an annual membership across 12 easy monthly recurring payments.
Monthly Membership
£30 per month (£27.50 conc.)
12 months commitment
Spread the cost of membership
from £9.16 per session*
Renews automatically
Concessions discounts available
Most popular option
- Unlimited attendance at any of our choir locations
- Full Access to learning resources MP3s, lyrics and videos
- Access to UK Soul Choirs exclusive Facebook Community
- Access to casting opportunities
- Discounts on exclusive workshops run by professional singers and coaches
- Termly performance guaranteed
* session comparison price based on attending a minimum of 36 sessions (11 rehearsals and 1 concert guaranteed per term) across a year with £30 concessions discount applied. PAYG per session not available.