About this EveNT
Member's Event Information
This event has been CANCELLED due to the stormy weather
Please arrive at the stage area on Boley Hill at 2:45pm ready to sing! Try and come by train/bus or car share where you can - it gets incredibly busy!
POP-UPS: Casual purple and black clothing - Soul Choir t shirts and hoodies if you have them, please. Festive adornments including silver and purple tinsel and accessories would be super.
We ask for no blue jeans to be worn at any event and that anything purple is true purple and not blue - as close to Cadbury's purple as possible.
No bold or colourful patterns but lace and subtle embossing in the colours mentioned above are fine.
Public Event Information
This event has been CANCELLED due to the stormy weather
Come and spend the day at this annual, iconic festival and be entertained by our wonderful Mid Kent Soul Choirs! So much to do and see along with the addition of the with Christmas Market with its endless stalls, fairground rides and, of course, the chance to meet the big man himself!