East Kent Soul Choirs sing at Whitsparkle!

8:00 am
8:30 am
November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023
Whitstable Harbour

About this EveNT

Member's Event Information

Saturday, November 25th

We are kicking off the proceedings at 1pm on The Harbour Stage - head there and keep an eye out for Abi.

Please arrive at 12:45pm ready to sing - casual, warm choir colours, hoodies, t shirt etc. Coats can obviously be worn!

This will be an outdoor performance and is free to watch and attend.

Public Event Information

Saturday, November 25th

East Kent Soul Choirs are kicking off the celebrations at 1pm - come down and see us!

This will be an outdoor performance at the Harbour Stage and free to watch and attend.

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stay tuned to soul choirs!

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